Frequently Asked Questions
Question - Who determines the stand that receives hits?
The firing player determines the target unit. The owning player determines which stands receives a hit.
Remember stands with hits are not able to participate in melees. If only a portion of a regimet is an a melee, it becomes very important which ones have hits and which ones do not.
Question - Is a stand with a second hit from Fire or Melee removed immediately after that Phase? Meaning that a Rally cannot remove those hits?
Response: Yes, a stand with a second hit is removed immediately. There is no opportunity to rally off 'second' hits.
Question - Is there a typo in the fire table for the 12 lb Napoleon at 48" - shouldn't it be -1 die?
That is not a typo. The 48" range reflects the distance at which 12 lb shrapnel became most effective (due to dispersion of flachettes).
Question - If I understand correctly, when one Fire card is pulled both sides will fire, but the side listed fires first. Then I assume if another fire card is pulled once again both sides fire, the other side going first, but it does no seem to matter if its simultaneous any way. When a Move card is pulled, the side listed goes first(which may make a difference) and then the other side moves 2nd with just the one card being pulled. When a second Move card is pulled in the sequence, then the other side will move first. Is this a correct understanding?
This is correct. Specifically… With a Fire Card, both sides get to fire. Although fire effects are simultaneous, one side is designated to go first. This is to speed game play (when there are many players at the table).
With a Move Card, both sides get to move. However, one side moves its troops first. This usually provides a benefit to the other side… They can observe where the other is moving before moving themselves.
Question - Can one convert a Carpe Diem card to a Whiskey Card (as opposed to a Move, Fire, Charge, Rally/Reform Card?)
One cannot.
Question - What is the difference between Charge and Melee?
Melee is the combat action (the die rolling) that takes place as a result of a charge.
Question - What is the ground scale of The Devil to Pay?
If you are using 1.5" (40mm) wide stands, the ground scale is 1"=20 yards (roughly 1 foot=250 yards).
If you are using 1" wide stands, the ground scale is 1"=30 yards (1 foot=360 yards)
Question - When units rally, do you let them come back all the way to their original full strength?
Yes, a unit is allowed to rally back to full strength.
However, if a stand has been removed (due to two hits), it cannot be recovered.
Question - There is no mention of attack in the rear. Is this because units would just turn to face? If so, should they be turned to face or fight as is? What if they are attacked front and rear at the same time, that would be bad, but I would think the rear attacking unit would apply the flank bonus dice?
An attack in the rear is considered ‘Flanked’ and the flank bonus dice are applied. The unit does not turn to face. If the unit is truly attacked in the rear, it has no ‘fall back’ route… Which means it is eliminated if it loses the melee (a bad thing). If the unit wins the melee, it may turn to face (it is still disordered though).
Question - If a unit falls back or skedaddles off the board, or just leaves, are they eliminated?
If a unit skedaddles (or falls back) off the board, it may not return (i.e. it is eliminated)
Question - Is shotgun no bonus in melee? You mentioned in the rules they were figured in, but there is no bonus like sabers/mounted.
We consider pistols and shotguns to be factored into the melee. However, that does not prevent a ‘house rule’ which might give +1D6 to Shotguns. Our research showed the Charging Sabers where far more feared than shotguns & pistols.
Question - Charging-Units must be within 4" of the enemy. We assume this means to the enemies front and within a 45 degree angle. If so, can green troops charge at a 45? If you can charge any direction, what are the restrictions?
Units may only charge Enemy units to their front. Specifically +/- 45 degrees of straight forward. We allow charging green units to charge at the 45 as well.
Question - Reinforce Defense-must be within 4", does this have the same restrictions as a charge? Also, do they have to touch the enemy or can they support by being adjacent or even behind the unit being charged? Also we assumed they ignored terrain as in a charge.
Reinforcing a charge (when either attacking or defending): The reinforcing unit must start within 4” of the ENEMY unit. When executing the reinforcement they may line up behind friendly units already in contact with the enemy (without touching an enemy stand). They are still counted as in the melee.
Question - How does terrain effect a charge move.
Terrain is ignored in charges.
Question - Two regiments in a Double line like on Page 10 charge into an enemy unit in Line. Even though each regiment is in a Line, but since another regiment is touching behind it making it part of a double line at brigade level, will both regiments then be counted in the Melee? I understand that a single regiment may be in a double line and some players insist this is the only way a regiment double line may Melee. I argue that two separate regiments in a line one right behind the other is also a double line of two regiments that will also be counted in the melee if it Charges. So on Page 10, if the brigade that is in double line charges, let say two regiments in Line like on top of the page, I assume the brigade double line would count 10 bases against five for each Melee computation.
If both regiments start within 4” of the enemy, both may charge/melee the enemy. This is true even if the second regiment is completely behind the first (not touching the enemy).
Remember: Only stands touching the enemy (or adjacent to a stand touching the enemy) may melee. Therefore the regiments would need to be touching each other.
Question - Then if this is true, if a Brigade in a Column of Regiments charges one single line regiment, how many bases would be counted in the Melee?
Melee eligibility is determined by regiment. If a regiment (regardless of the Brigade Formation) starts outside of 4” of the enemy, it may not participate in the melee.
As before: Only stands touching the enemy (or adjacent to a stand touching the enemy) may melee. Therefore the regiments would need to be touching each other.
Question - If a single regiment in Attack Column Charges, your setup on Page 27 shows at least 3 deep are counted. If a regiment had 10 bases and was in attack column, I assume you allow 5 deep to be counted in the Melee computation?
We currently make an exception for Attack Columns for the rule of “Only stands touching the enemy (or adjacent to a stand touching the enemy) may melee”. The entire attack column may participate (as long as the lead stands are touching the enemy).
Note: We recommend strongly against regiments greater than 6 stands. They were quite unwieldly (also slow to rally). Actual Civil War commanders felt the same (about big regiments).
In the future, we may simplify the rule to only stands touching the enemy (or adjacent to a stand touching the enemy) may melee. This would apply regardless of formation type. I suppose we might throw in a +1D6 or +2D6 for Attack Columns.
Question - Also can inf. units in line etc... Charge through a Loose order unit? If so the loose order unit
can protect it till a Charge card is drawn and then the Charging unit(s) can move through them to engage the foe.
Units in line cannot charge through a Loose Order unit. Remember Loose Order units must have at least 1 stand open space between Stands. This means a Line will concentrate twice the number of stands in melee. This is a significant advantage. Melee is an unhealthy thing for Loose Order troops.
Key rules for Melee
Units (Regiments) must be within 4” of the enemy to charge.
All stands in contact with an opposing stand are eligible to melee. A stand adjacent to a stand in contact is also eligible for melee.
Question: On Page 25 you give the order of progression for a charge. In that order if you are the "second player" you can reinforce a defense. If you are the "First Player" and get charged (say you decided not to charge in an area of the battle but the second player charges you) can you also reinforce your defense? Or are you out of luck because you didn't declare a charge when you went first? Seems an odd loop hole.
Answer: I allow the 1st player to reinforce a defense.
Question: Can Charge or Rally/Reform orders be done as a Brigade order? I know the Brigadier can give the order but can he give it to the entire brigade allowing all units to charge (or rally/reform)?
Answer: Yes, Charge or Rally/Reform orders be done as a Brigade order (All orders can be done as a Brigade Order).
The key is that the regiments are in Brigade Formation (within 2” of each other).
Dangerously Exciting Rules for American Civil War Miniatures